Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Glory Light in the Morning

Early this morning I awoke to a luminous light.  The sun hadn't come up, yet the air was golden.  Grabbing my camera I ran outside.  I caught my breath at the beauty I saw.

I watch the news each morning and I find myself praying for folks I've never met.  They are going through things I can hardly think about.  I am in anguish for them.  I wonder how God could possibly work out these complicated and awful circumstances.

Then I see something like this--the glory of nature, spread across the sky by the hand of the Creator.  This reminds me that He--the One who created the universe, is infinitely capable to watch over those who turn to Him in their time of need.  He will hear their cry and He will answer.

Give ear to my words, O Lord,
 Consider my groaning,
Heed the sound of my cry for help,
My King and my God,
For unto Thee will I pray.
Oh, Lord in the morning,
Will I direct my prayer, unto You
And will look up.
~A Psalm of David
Psalm 5:1-3

God blesses the downtrodden and brokenhearted--look up and expect a miracle.

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