My husband and I went to the Oregon coast for our 26th anniversary. The weather was spectacular, as were the sunset and seas . . . we were snuggling together, up on the side of one of the cliffs overlooking the ocean, when we noticed a photographer setting up his camera tripod on the rocks below. You can see him in the photo above, when you click for the larger sized photo.

We watched in horror and disbelief as the waves wildly pummelled the rocks, closer and closer--sometimes splashing clear over his precarious perch.
We watched breathless as the photographer waited until the very last moment possible to dash to safety across the dangerously slickery rocks. The crashing waves missed him by a millisecond.
Watching we had felt so helpless--what would we have done if he had fallen? The photographer could not have known I was on the cliff clicking his dangerous escapade. What glorious photos he must have captured! What a relief he escaped unscathed.
Later looking at these photographs--I had to laugh--I know that feeling. Must stay to get that perfect picture.....Then run, baby RUN!
Later looking at these photographs--I had to laugh--I know that feeling. Must stay to get that perfect picture.....Then run, baby RUN!