These pictures were taken in late Fall of last year. I was just astounded at the colors of this sunset--I ran around the block in my bare feet to catch colors of purple and pink as the sinking sun threw them against the clouds. The first photo is further up the horizon. The second photo was nearer to where the sun had just gone down.
I'm sure passing motorists must have thought the barefoot lady with the camera excitedly clicking pictures of the evening sky was nuts!
The color is quite different.
The drama in the sky never ceases to amaze me. Good catch on those photos.
Very beautiful skies you beheld. Who cares what people think? I'm starting to kind of enjoy being the nutty one!
Oh, I can relate to this. And I don't care either. It's fun to run around barefoot in the fall, summer,or whenever. And doing what you love.....nothing beats that. Besides, the pics make it all worth while.
I am not just saying this because I too live in Oregon, but because I believe that we have some of the most beautiful cloud formations in this state.
And I agree, who cares what anyone thinks? They're not paying your bills for their opinion to count.
Breathtaking. Worth every barefoot moment!
wonderful captures!
I wouldn't care what they thought! These are lovely.
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