Saturday, March 27, 2010

Beauty Through Reflection - Weekend Reflections

The abandoned Mega-Church across from my parent's home is a never-ending source of incredible photographic opportunity.

That wonderful day last week when my sweet Sis Clytie and I took our long walk, was full of mystery and magic.

It amazes me how beautiful destruction can become when viewed through a different perspective. The reflections of light shining on the broken window glass direct one's eye to the beauty beyond.

Beauty Through Reflection!

For more beautiful reflections visit Weekend Reflections.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful picture. A moment of beauty reflected in time ... wow.

Anonymous said...

That is a different kind of reflection. Was someone holding the glass or was it on the ground?

Woody said...

What a brilliant shot! You are so correct, something that might initially appear unappealing might be a thing of true beauty when viewed from a different perspective. Word to live by.

James said...

Very creative shot. It's true about beauty in destruction if it's viewed in a certain way.

Matty said...

What a unique photo. You have quite the eye to see such a great photo opportunity. The true image, the reflection through the broken glass. Very nice.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

This photo commands careful attention. I like it when you really have to study the vision before you. I'm also impressed with your technical skill. I like the sharpness of the enlarged photo and the opportunity to zoom in even more. Wish I knew how to do that.

Thanks for visiting Oakland Daily Photo and leaving a comment. I hope you come by again.

marina said...

That is so beautiful, indeed.

Cloudhands said...

Like an optical illusion, the picture takes on different aspects as I look and then refocus and look again. Intriguing.

Regina said...

Awesome one!

Rune Eide said...

Broken structures might be ugly to watch and a pain to think about, but they are a boon for photographers to explore :-)

penny said...

Your reflection photo looks amazing. This is a wonderful perspective on what otherwise is just thoughtless vandalism.

Deann said...

A bit of broken glass makes for a very interesting photo.
I hope everything is alright with you...I just filled out my census's it coming with the gestapo anyway???
Have the rest of a lovely you.

Ebie said...

What an incredible shot! I could see the beauty behind the broken glass. A different kind of reflection.

Ebie said...

Hi Beth, in response to your question on the name Badwater, the water taste awful. It is actual salty in the bed of salt. Badwater is 200 feet below sea level.

Diane AZ said...

Beautiful and fascinating image, I love it! An abandoned church sounds like a marvelous place to explore with a camera.

Anonymous said...

An optimistic view. I don't see the damaged glass but the distortions and the clear focus beyond. Nice picture.

Thanks for your visit to my place and your kind words.

Julie said...

This image unfolds many possibilities, Beth. The danger of getting through barriers to something worthwhile beyond is just one of them.

Thank you for your visit to my travel blog. It is my understanding that people from the States often find Australia very familiar. Should you and Clytie find yourselves in Australia, it would be my honour to be your guide for some of the time.

Once again, I thank you for your kind words.

Paula said...

Lovely starburst effect. I wasn't sure what I was seeing until I read your description and took a closer look. Engrossing photo.

Sunny said...

Hi Beth,
I didn't know you had this blog too. What an interesting and lovely reflection.
There is so much beauty around us.
Sunny :)

Tania said...

Different and beautiful!

Lois said...

What a lovely perspective! That church has me a little intrigued.