The whole thing left me feeling . . . fractured. Heh.
Daddy Update: Dad is getting stronger every day. To offset the effects of the heat wave, we have moved Dad and Mom to our home. We have a small air conditioner in the living room which we are using to keep Dad cool. It is supposed to be 103 today, which is dangerous for a person of Dad's age, especially with his severe injuries. Next week I will be driving dad to an appointment with the plastic surgeon. It looks like he'll need some grafts done to cover part of the open area of the wound.
Thank you again for all your good thoughts and prayers. THANK YOU!!! Please keep praying for Dad's continued healing.
Girl that's like a picture of the artist soul or something. That's deep, real deep.
A wonderful picture to explore the fractured nature of humankind.
We can do such kindness and are also capable of such misery. I choose to believe we will grow into the Grace God has put into our hearts that will lead us to our better selves.
I continue to hold your Dad in a loving healing space and will do so until you say otherwise.
Unique photo. I really like it! It's a shame about the church. I can only hope that someday, the vandals will remember what they did and know that God is always watching. He is also ever Loving and Forgiving. I am so glad your Dad is getting stronger. I hope and pray his upcoming graft goes well. Your Mom and Dad are in my thoughts and prayers as are you and the rest of your family. May every day bring new Strength and new Hope and new Healing. Sounds like an indoor, ice tea ice cream kind of day tomorrow. Stay well and stay cool. Love and Light. Nina P.
Very poetic, the soul speakth. To bad people won't take all that destructive energy and put it into postive energy where all would benefit.
Glad to hear about your dad, as always all of you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Stay cool, weird weather you're having. Hope it goes back to the norm for you.
I like the way yours turned out! Thanks for a wonderful day of fun.
Love the "mosaicness" of this picture! Really cool.
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