Yes, living in town, one must have a nice lawn, or people take notice. (grin) But no one can complain about a random patch of happy daisies!
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The second I saw this picture I started smiling. Because they really are so happy! And they really really like it that you think they are random, because random is good!
Is it random if you mow all around them and let them thrive? Hum. Random enough to consider it long enough for them to have a good life.
I like daisies too! Their little faces look so cheerful and they whisper to you as you walk by "let's have fun!".
yes,... let the daisies wave in the sunshine! it would be a terrible old grump to complain about a patch of daisies!
Heh heh heh..this time I left THREE random spots of daisies in my yard!!!
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