I remember eight years ago, when my husband felt something had happened and turned on the television. In New York City, one tower was on fire and we watched as an airplane speared the second. We wept as the towers crumbled, knowing in that moment thousands had lost their lives. When we visited ground zero nine months later, our experience there shaped the rest of our lives. We must not forget our solidarity as Americans and the wonderful freedoms we have here in our country.
Taking Dad to the VA hospital is always an eye-opener. The waiting area is nearly always filled to capacity with men and woman who have served our country and now suffer. Over the doorway is the legend "The price of Freedom is Visible Here."
Now eight years later--A wonderful blessing on the day--this Oregon Sunrise. Shatters of joyful light bursting through night's dusky cloudcover.
Daddy Update: What a wonderful thing! The top of Dad's head has NO bone showing! The two surgeons who looked at it a little over a month ago said there was a one percent chance that terrible wound would heal over. Thank you for your prayers! It is truly a miracle!
Please continue to pray that Dad's neck bones will knit together. There's quite a gap between the bones--and Mom says, looking at the cat scan, that it looks impossible. But we've already seen one miracle! Let's pray for another.
We hope to have Dad and Mom's home ready for them by the 20th. Still so much yet to be done.