Friday, July 26, 2019
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Welcome! Forever Home Arrival
Good morning! Meet our new little friend, Mister SnowBug Da'Bean. He is fitting into the household very well. After a week, Toez the Polydactyl Cat finally seems to be used to having a tiny bit of fluff flying around the house. She is so intrigued.
This morning I awoke around three, until finally falling back to sleep about an hour later. Around five a.m. I was lulled awake by the oddest sensation. I laid there a few minutes before I realized SnowBug Da'Bean was cuddled next to my face with his tiny nose pressed into my ear, purring like a wee bumble bee. Talk about a surprise wake up!
On that note, good morning all you wonderful people!

black cat,
forever home,
SnowBug DaBean
Friday, June 7, 2019
Visiting Daddy
Above are Mumsie and my two lovely younger sisters standing next to where Dad is interred. Aren't they beautiful? Every Memorial Day weekend our family makes the trip to Willamette National Cemetery to pay our respects to Dad. We've been doing so for six years now. We all miss him so much.
This is the spectacular view from "Dad's Place." Row upon row of his fellow soldiers, our heroes, can be seen with brave flags fluttering over where they rest. So sad--so beautiful.
This dear woman was sweet to my heart as she carefully decorated her loved one's resting place. I found her to be exquisitely lovely.
God bless them, every one.
Memorial Day,
not forgotten,
United States Flag
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Embrace of Trees
These trees stand along the road on the way to the home of my childhood--and they've been standing there as long as I can remember. Thank the Lord, they haven't chopped down these beautiful cedars yet.
This is a parent tree embracing her progeny. Isn't this sweet? You can stand in the middle of them--it is a wonderful feeling--like standing in the heart of the forest.
Have a lovely day, sweet Friends!
ancient woodlands,
cedar tree,
embrace of trees,
Old Growth,
Monday, May 13, 2019
Lincoln City Sunset
I captured this photo while walking with my Darling Friend Lynn, in Lincoln City, Oregon. One can often see such amazing, stunning vistas here.
The ocean is never the same--it can be beautiful, stunning--and sometimes frightening. The changing moods of the ocean seem to reflect life itself.
I am so grateful for this beautiful place.
Lincoln City,
Oregon Sunset,
Friday, May 10, 2019
Beautiful Idaho, Gorgeous Oregon
On my way out of Kamiah, Idaho in the early morning--I captured the light as it kissed the tops of the trees. It was SO beautiful there!
The road ran along a swift stream, where craggy cliffs brooded over the landscape. I was quite taken with this particular view
I visited my brother and his family, who live in the Columbia Gorge. This time of year, the hills are covered with beautiful yellow flowers. Almost as though a cosmic hand decided to butter the sides of the steep slopes.
The wind was blowing quite briskly when I took this picture. As you can see--it looks as though something has caught their attention. I think I'm going to draw a cartoon of this--of course, these gorgeous girls will have faces.
Happy Mother's Day sweet Friends!
morning sunshine,
mountain streams,
The Dalles,
yellow daisies,
yellow flowers
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Springtime Flood
It has been quite a week--lots of flooding in our town--though we have not been hit as hard as Corvallis, Highway 34 was closed due to high water. People's homes were flooded there and some lost everything. No one has been reported as being hurt, which is miraculous.
This is the gravel business located mid-stream along Highway 22.
It is amazing how quickly the river can rise and how slowly it recedes. Our own River Road is still closed to traffic. I'm looking forward to being able to take the shortcut into Salem again!
You can find information about the Corvallis flood at the Linn-Benton Community College Commuter. They've posted some amazing photos.
Have a great day!
River View Park,
Willamette River
Friday, March 29, 2019
Waves in Boiler Bay
I decided to post this picture of waves in in Boiler Bay, because of International Mermaid Day. I am sure, if one looked closely enough--a mermaid could be seen in this splash of the sea.
Bay is located just North of Depoe Bay--a beautiful little town along the Central Oregon Coast. It is named after
what remains of one of the most spectacular shipwrecks in American history. The
J. Marhoffer was a 175-foot, 600-ton steam schooner built at John Lindstrom’s
shipyard in Aberdeen, in Washington's
Grays Harbor, in 1907. On May 18, 1910, she
was still practically brand-new and was coming back to her home port in Portland from a run to San Francisco when an assistant engineer accidentally
over-pressurized it.
By the time ship's Captain Gustave Peterson asked someone to
open the valves and flood the engine room, the heat of the fire had made the
valve handles too hot to touch, and the fire had spread. Since the engineer could
not get into the engine room to shut the power off, the ship was still steaming
along at a steady nine knots and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
Three miles off shore Captain Peterson got gave the order to
abandon ship. Though there were no casualties from the J. Marhoffer, a cook
from a boat assisting the survivors, drowned.
As for the J. Marhoffer, now thoroughly and spectacularly on
fire, she was heading straight for the rocky shoreline. She hit with an enormous crash and explosion.
The stranded vessel keeled over and burned fiercely for a
time; then she was ripped apart by a massive steam explosion that threw chunks
of wood and iron in all directions. Fortunately, none of the spectators were
hit, although today there’s still a piece of iron pipe sticking out of the
bluff above that probably came from the wreck.
Today, the ship’s boiler can still be seen from the highway
at low tide--I have seen this for myself at low tide. You can hike a rough trail leading down from
Highway 101 just north of the entrance to Boiler Bay State Park when the tide is extremely low. It is because of this rusty remnant the
little bay, formerly known as Briggs Landing, is now called Boiler Bay.
Have a lovely day.
NOTE: Sweet Wendy--if you get this--the link you sent won't allow me to comment because it says my account on doesn't have permission for access. I'd sure love to see your lovely valentine!
NOTE: Sweet Wendy--if you get this--the link you sent won't allow me to comment because it says my account on doesn't have permission for access. I'd sure love to see your lovely valentine!
Boiler Bay,
J. Marhoffer,
ocean waves,
wreck of the J. Marhoffer
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Happy Day! Spring has finally Sprung!
I love going to the store to see all the Spring flowers available. These are colorful daisies. I couldn't resist taking a picture. It is SPRING and has been in the mid 70's for the past week. We have been below average for temperatures since February.
What a delight to feel the sun on my touch the dew on the friendly morning flowers.
I'm sorry I've been out of touch. I have been pretty sick for about two months--it started off with that awful flu. Monday after the third visit to the doc, I found out I have pneumonia--I'm on tons of meds, so I hope to be getting better in a couple of days. It will take awhile to get completely out of the woods, though.
Have a beautiful weekend, sweet friends!
pink daisies,
spring flowers,
white daisies,
yellow daisies
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Ocean Song
When we visited the beach for a week this past January, we were in for a treat. It was shirtsleeve weather--sunny with temperatures in the mid-60's. I sat for hours on the beach watching the waves of the Pacific Ocean, listening to their song.
I have only captured its beauty in part here--the waves were magnificently huge offshore, rushing upon the beach to splash in a playful fury at my feet.
I can imagine all kinds of things in this beautiful wave...what do you see? I love the idea that the ocean claps its hands in glee. If you watch and listen closely, you can see the dance and hear their songs of joy as they sing to their Creator.
Psalm 98:8, 9 Let the waves clap their hands in glee and the hills sing out their songs of joy before the Lord, for he is coming to judge the world with perfect justice.
clapping waves,
ocean song,
ocean waves,
Pacific Ocean,
Psalm 98,
songs of the ocean,
waves clapping
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Nature's Valentine
I have been away from this blog for quite some time. Too many things going on in my life.
Today is the fourth Valentine's Day I've spent without my Beloved. I miss him so much. But rather than sit around feeling sad, I have chosen to celebrate my family and all the wonderful Friends God has brought into my life. I couldn't have made it thus far without family and friends. Thank you, dear ones. You know who you are.
Blessings and peace to all those who face this day with a broken heart. "Blessed are those who mourn, for the shall be comforted." ~Matthew 5:4
maple leaf,
Matthew 5:4,
Valentine's Day
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