Saturday, March 21, 2009

'Tis Fall Today

I have not been feeling very well the past two days. In my fragile state this morning it seems a bit of color would be appropriate. Hence this photo of last Fall's leaves. I found them near the Independence Bridge.

I love every season. Spring with it's tender green leaves and blooms, Summer with its warmth and brilliance, Winter with its stark beauty, and then Fall. Fall is harvest, nostalgia and gorgeous color--a last hurrah before the cold.

I came upon this photo today, and it's colorful aspect charmed my eyes, and so I share it with you.


Clytie said...

Gorgeous! I love the colors!

Tammie Lee said...

I do wish you feel well soon!
You have such a lovely blog, full of bits of magic. Such a joy for me to wander about in, thank you.