Just after sunrise last week, I noticed frost faeries had covered the wood with these delicate ice flowers. They bloomed a short time before disappearing. What a wonderful way to start the day! I am always amazed by the exquisite detail one can find in nature.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009

Out clicking pictures one frozen morning, I felt like I was being watched.
I caught her with my camera, I did!
Egad--there she is . . .
But 'tis only me. Framed!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Heart of Flame

Poor fellow, he's getting used to my odd behavior when it comes to sudden-impulse-camera-shutter-clicking!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Fist in Sky
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
It's enough to make one just laugh outloud!
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Fairytale Condo

This one made me think of a fairy condo--I think it must be--it is exactly how I imagine a fairy house to look. Which is why (ahem) I did not remove it from its growing place to take it home!
Merry Christmas! There is so much for which to be thankful.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Egad! It's an EAR!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Elegant Curl
Monday, December 14, 2009
Angels Overhead
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Gnome? Eagle? Dolphin?
Friday night we had the privilege of performing at a dinner theater for a retreat center near Silver Creek Falls. The performance was powerful and we made many new friends. It was a truly fabulous experience. For dinner the chef served the most wonderfully tasty gourmet food. What a treat! The dinner that night and brunch the following morning were spectacular, both in quality and presentation.
We spent a comfortable night in their lovely accommodations. As soon as it was light I went exploring and found this amazing stump. I see so many things in this beautiful woodland scene--an eagle, a plump partridge, a gnome . . .
So, of course I must ask, what do YOU see?
Friday, December 11, 2009
Rock Ship
This amazing formation can be found on the Oregon Coast near Pacific City. It is such a unique rock--to me it looks like a ship aground. What do you think?
CHRISTMAS GIFT: There is a Christmas present for all you precious people who have prayed for my sister last week and Dad & Mumsie over the past months. You can pick it up at http://bethlniquetteart.blogspot.com Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Egad--it's an Ice Dog!

Unexpectedly, when I checked out the picture on my computer--I was sure I could see an ice dog. He's sitting up, facing to the left. He sports jowls, eye, floppy ear and his nose rests against the grey stone. He's either wrapped up in a plump ice blanket, or he's VERY fat.
For the viewing him best, click for the larger picture. Can you see him???
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Touching the Light

My heart is full of hope for the future. Sometimes one's hope can be renewed by looking back upon the blessings of one's life. I am surely doing that today, with GREAT thankfulness.
Be sure to drop by Clytie's blogs this morning--she has two wonderful entries you all need to read. Thank you everyone for your warmth, thoughts and prayers for my darling sister. YOU are an integral part of this miracle.
Here are the links: http://clytie-randomhearts.blogspot.com/ and http://clytie-randomstuff.blogspot.com/
May God bless you all--and a very Merry Christmas to you!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Glorious Pile of Shrooms

Here you see a fabulous pile of mushrooms. I love the plush color and shape they have--the way they mound up and spill over. Truly glorious.
SISSY UPDATE: Clytie is doing very well. I spoke with her this morning--it was SO good to hear her voice. She says she slept well and except for a little weakness, feels almost completely back to normal. All praise for her healing must be given to God. How gracious and kind He is! Thank you everyone for your prayers! God heard you!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
A Miracle for My Sister

Clytie had a stroke at 5 a.m. Friday morning. She was taken by ambulance to the hospital--it took me an hour to get there from where I live. Her right side was paralyzed and she could barely speak. To write of this, just . . . well, as I type here I am weeping . . . I have lost a brother and came close just now to losing my beloved sister, my friend.
I stood by her side. They had done everything they could do--it was a waiting game. She would get better, worse, then better, then worse—that last time was the most frightening, I was rubbing her numb foot when suddenly I realized she wasn’t feeling the pressure of my fingers.
I walked over to her bedside and looked at her right hand and it was starting to curl. I felt so scared for her. I took her hand into my own. The nurses did some tests, and she could not lift her leg or her arm, and her speech was blurred. So I walked to the head of the bed and I put my hand on her hair. She had closed her eyes, and was so still.
I was praying over her when I had such a compulsion--I felt I was to put my other hand on Sissy's head and pray for her healing. I felt a little foolish—but I obeyed. But then, as I prayed, my hands got hot—like an oven. It was the strangest thing--I could feel the heat actually radiating down from my palms. My prayer was that healing would pour down through her body like warm oil. In my mind’s eye, I saw the connections that were hurt, reconnecting and sparking. I don’t know how long I stood there praying. But as soon as I was done, Clytie opened her eyes and said as clear as a bell, “Aren’t you getting bored standing there with nothing to do?” I said, “of course not, I’ve been praying for you.”
A couple minutes later Clytie lifted her right hand—the one that she couldn’t move before and was looking at her fingers and hand with astonishment. She started wiggling her fingers. She curled her toes. The numbness began to recede from her limbs.
Just after that, I left for my parent's house to bring her twins to see her. By the time we returned the numbness was completely gone. Clytie could lift both her right leg and arm easily, she could speak clearly, the numbness was gone.
Clytie has steadily improved since then—Tonight she ate dinner, she sat up in the chair and she’s been walking the halls—if all goes well she’s going home tomorrow afternoon. I’m just so amazed, and moved. Clot busting drugs and the prayers of a loving sister. I am convinced a miracle happened.
All the doctors and nurses are just agog. The physical therapist says Clytie is a “rock star!” (grin) They are astonished she’s completely recovered, given that just yesterday her entire right side was totally and utterly paralyzed. One nurse told me a full recovery like hers is exceedingly rare. The doctor hardly knew what to say, except that sometimes things happen they can't explain.
Please pray for my precious sister's continued healing and growing strength—the CAT scan shows she did have a stroke—the doctor says it is an area the size of a Lima bean, with a kind of vulnerable halo around it. She says she doesn’t feel anything is different than it was, but she’s still a little weak and tires easily.
I am so thankful for your good thoughts and prayers for my precious little sister. I promised Clytie I would upload a picture--which was taken this morning--and she sends her grateful love and thanks to each and every one of you.
Sometimes we wonder if God cares about us as we live our lives here on earth. He does--He cares. He's watching over us and loves us! All Glory to God for the things He has done!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Little Adventurer

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